My Reflection in ICT

     During the first quarter I have discovered the history of the internet. Did you know that Sputnik is the first artificial satellite that have orbited the earth, which was launched by the USSR. Another thing that I discovered is the existence of, where you can create your own blog, and its different types like the personal blog where its only for yourself, business blog for business purposes and many more.

     I have encountered many challenges during the first quarter. Example: remembering the history of the internet, and the names of the people who created things for the internet. I struggled real hard in this topics because it is not easy for me to remember them. 

     The things that I do to address this challenges to prepare for an exam or quizzes. The first thing that I do is to refresh the mind by reading it over and over again. I also write down notes in this particular topic or quiz myself to further familiarize myself in this topics.

     Moving on, during the next quarter I expect to learn more. I particularly wish to learn coding and other things. I expect that the lesson will be easier to understand or not, anyway i wish to learn more from my teacher and classmates.



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