Change starts with me: making a difference in the world

Change is all about the things that can be turned into a better or worse version than the past. Change starts with something, and that something can start from within, in order for change one must know on what to change, to change is to be something different or something close to the past, by knowing that something, the change can start. The change starts within me, changes start within one self, it can start on your qualities as a person, it can also start in the physical aspect of an individual, by starting within, it can bring numerous changes whether good or bad it is change that must be accepted. Change is hard, one can never deny it, it all starts in a mindset for consistent drive for a person's will to change.

The morality, the emotional impact, the physical aspect, the habits of an individual. These are things that can be changed, it is on the decision of the person. An example for change is this, a man with bad habits such smoking or drinking, these are all addictive in can be used as a distraction or an coping mechanism for a person emotional state or just there drive, these are all bad habits that can be changed, for change to start it must have a catalyst, in order to drive the individual to change, the catalyst can be many things, such as friends and family or a traumatic event or a realisation. A change can improve a person's life but it can also ruin it, it all depends on the type of individual dealing with the change. 

A change within oneself is important as it also affects the world around him, by changing himself, the individual can influence others to do better. However, what does the change in one person affect the world around him? In change one must determine what to change, the same aspect applies to the state of our world, numerous people around the world hope for change, hope for a better life, hope for equal rights, hope for a just society. However some of these people never got the chance to do it properly or not to do it at all, it all comes to the mindset, the belief, it all comes to this on why these happen in can also come from misleading opinions. To hope for change, one must start on oneself, by changing the wrong beliefs, opinions, and correcting the misguided information. One can hope for a better world, but one must start from within



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